20th Anniversary of Harry Potter – 5 ways Potter remains a worldwide obsession 20 years later

Many 90s children will have memories of sleepily waiting for the supermarket shutters opening to pounce on a copy of the latest Harry Potter book. Seven books and eight films later, 26 June marks the 20th anniversary of the world’s introduction to JK Rowling’s boy wizard. After having sold over 400 millions copies worldwide, and… Continue reading 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter – 5 ways Potter remains a worldwide obsession 20 years later

Lend an arm

World Blood Donor Day takes place every year on 14 June which raises awareness of the need for blood donations, and thanks donors for having given blood in the past. This year’s campaign is all about encouraging people to give blood after emergency situations such as natural disasters or major incidents. Donating blood is one the… Continue reading Lend an arm