Feeling like you don’t have enough time to study? It’s normal to feel overwhelmed with exams gradually approaching, but becoming more organised will help you take control of your learning.
Being back at school all day can be draining so it’s healthy to have a well-deserved break before beginning revision. If you’re feeling like you can’t fully relax during these breaks or detach from study stress, then a study plan could be for you.

We’ve all tried to cram the night before a big assessment, but your brain will absorb information more effectively if you sleep well and study more frequently. This is where a good study plan comes in.
Your study plan can be anything you want it to be: a written-out and colourfully highlighted timetable or a digital plan. This will help you see which subjects need to be prioritised and when, and help you properly relax during your free time. Remember to always take regular breaks, try to avoid working continuously on one subject for long periods of times and instead switch it up by looking at different subjects.

The SQA MyStudyPlan app lets you compare your free time to your exam timetable, helping you make an efficient study plan.
Study tips
Make your study time work for you by using study techniques such as flashcards, posters and diagrams. Completing flashcards allows you to continuously test yourself on the key terms and gage how your revision is going. Posters and diagrams are good for visual learners: just glancing at them once a day can help consolidate your knowledge without spending additional hours on revision.

When it comes to revision it’s essential to have clear notes. We all know that class notes can get messy, so it can be a good idea to re-write your notes in a way that makes the key points stand out through bullet points or abbreviations. Highlighting information can also help draw attention to the main focus points and structure the information staring back at you.
Finding motivation
Staying motivated can be extremely difficult, but this is easier if you stick to a realistic and achievable study plan. Even just beginning revision can be intimidating so try completing a few simpler or shorter exercises first. Once these are done you will feel accomplished and more determined to take on larger and more difficult tasks. Before beginning your revision, listening to a motivational playlist or doing some exercise can help you feel energised. If you feel good then you are more likely to do good.

You will feel most motivated when working to your strengths so it’s important to find out what type of learner you are and base your revision around this. The Education Planner learning styles quiz can help you find out what type of leaner you are.
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