Yoga: Here are five reasons to start stretching

Pic Credit: Flickr

Happy Yoga day everybody! What did we do before the world when nuts over the green, mean and lean lifestyle that dominates our Instagram feeds?

But yoga is not just the latest fad for vegans and lovers of pink lycra (though they’re welcome to the party too) it’s in fact a spiritual, mental and physical practice with roots in ancient Hinduism and Buddhism. Pretty cool huh?

And yoga’s no exclusive or preachy club. All you need is a towel, a matt and a desire to learn. From #fatyoga to #boysofyoga, everybody is getting on board, proving that you don’t need to touch your toes to become a #yogabunny. What’s even better is that you can do it anywhere, from you own house to the park down the road. So grab your best friend, grannie or (downward) dog and get ready to get zen!

1.It helps with anxiety

None of us are immune to a little anxiety and we’ve all felt that horrible tight knot in our chest/ shallow breathing combo at some point or another.  It’s important to take a moment, breath deeply and remind ourselves that it’s really no big deal. Yoga helps to press your body’s reset button when things are getting a little panicky. Try this video a couple times a week and get ready for the good endorphins to flood your body.

2. It’s not as tricky as it looks

Even if you still don’t know your cow from your cat pose, we got you. Yoga for Dummies is an actual thing. These guys publish easy ten minute videos going over all the basics and will have you feeling like a pro in no time!

3.It can ease digestion

We’ve all been there. Especially during the summer holidays our eyes tend to get a little bigger than our stomachs and that one ice cream turns into four. But don’t worry, their it’s lots of videos out there to help soothe your troublesome tummy. We like the lovely Madeline Shaw for her soothing voice, quick videos and jazzy workout leggings. Try out her fab video below!

4.There is no perfect shape of size for yoga 

While Instagram  might make it look like yoga is only for skinny blondes- don’t be fooled! Dig a little deeper and you’ll find amazing people of all shapes and sizes and abilities, celebrating and embracing their bodies as they slide into sun saltations. Jessamyn Stanley has 184k followers and is living proof that yoga truly is for everybody.

5.It’s not just for girls – boys can grab a matt too!

Boys of Yoga is proves that Broga is a real thing. As their website says “Some guys think that yoga makes you less of a man, the truth is it makes you a better one. Yoga isn’t just for your mom, your sister or your girlfriend anymore. It’s time to smash the stereotype.” Still not convinced Yoga is for you? Start with simple breathing exercises.  The Boys launched the hashtag #sitstillbequiet, challenging everyone to sit still for three minutes a day to see how it improves your mental and physical health.

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