Acing the big reveal: results day

Across England results for GCSE’s, A-levels and AS will be coming into schools and colleges.

It’s a stressful time for everyone as thousands of students just like you nervously await the big results reveal. Emotions will be in overdrive, anxiety will consume the school walls and the giddy chatter of those too apprehensive to open their results will cement the arrival of the biggest day of your life.

This most important thing to remember is don’t panic if things don’t go as planned. It might seem like the end of the world right now, but it isn’t.


Thursday 16 August kicks off the results process. The markings inside a little brown envelope holds the answers for university placements, undecided next steps, or in some cases, disappointment.

Before you go to collect your results head to UCAS Track (which opened at 8am this morning) so you can see if your firm university place has been confirmed. This means more time to process if your top university has or has not accepted you and you can come into school or college with a head that is ready to listen to next steps.

After all, there’s bound to be a moment of disappointment and stress if it doesn’t go as planned – that’s ok! Once you feel ready you can find out about the next steps you should be taking.


If you sat your GCSE’s during the summer than Thursday 23 August is results day. Similar to the A-level and AS results there will be cheers and tears. If you didn’t get what you hoped for, or needed, it can be emotional or make you unsure of the next steps.

If you have missed out on a placement in college or sixth form you might be left feeling disheartened. Try to remember that there are options available.

Find an empty classroom and a favourite teacher for support then call colleges for guidance on the best steps available. Remember that your college of choice or sixth form could still accept you, get you on a similar course or provide places for resits.

In some cases, appeals are also a viable option to pursue.


This year will see schools and colleges have a second chance at challenging results. Subjects including GCSE English Language, English Literature, and GCSE maths will have additional appeals that you can take forward. Make sure you are aware that there are charges in place for appeals and results could either go up or down.

The big reveal is a testing and stressful time for everyone. Whether your results were better than you could’ve hoped or not what you expected, there are options. Remember to be mindful of friends who maybe didn’t do as well as you.

After all of the excitement is over grab your family or friends because it’s time to celebrate!

Useful results day contacts:

UCAS Exam Results Helpline
0808 100 8000

0800 197 7162

Results day can cause massive amounts of stress. If the pressure is having a negative effect on you or a friend there is help available.


Helpline: 116 123


Helpline: 0300 123 3393
Text: 86463


Helpline: 01708 765200


Helpline: 0800 1111

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By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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