Thanks to bottomless sangria in Spain with your mates on your sixth year holiday, exam season already feels like a distant memory.
It’s hard to believe you ever studied anything. Your brain now is 70% Big Brother, 20% Netflix and 10% Instagram…
In fact when people ask you anything about the topics you studied for, you pretty much draw a blank…
But now the time has come. Results day has arrived…
Your phone pings, the letter box slams. Exam results are in your hands…
Your family gather around…
You breathe deeply and prepare to see your results…
Whether you are disappointed, relieved or sick with excitement, just remember to stay calm…
It can be hard to process how you feel…
But just remember, these are YOUR results, so don’t compare yourself to others…
Yes that includes your weird school crush…
The main fact is, THEY ARE OVER!
So all you have left to do is celebrate…
You can think about your future another day…
Whatever your results hold today, know you did the best you can – and good luck with the next stage!