Exam Season: Time to get motivated

Well, today’s the day, troops. Exam season is finally here and it’s perfectly normal to have feelings of doubt, worry and anxiety.

What’s not okay, is those feelings getting in the way of achieving your full potential.

Staying motivated is the key to getting through this difficult time: whether you’re studying for your National 5s, Highers, Advanced Highers or are doing your college or uni exams, they’re daunting and there’s a lot of pressure to succeed.

But, fear not, because we’re here to bring you our best tips to keep motivated throughout this trying time.


A decent playlist can make all the difference in the world. Whether you like to listen to music while you study, or need a boost during a study break, the music we listen to can really affect our mood.

We’ve compiled a motivational playlist, to get you though the study season, and ensure you feel motivated at all times.

To give it a listen, click here.


Similarly, podcasts can have an amazing effect on self-esteem, and feeling good about yourself, which is very helpful when trying to motivate yourself to study.

The School of Greatness, Aim A Little Higher, and Daily Boost are all great for confidence-boosting life advice, which will have you motivated to study in no time.


Make sure to take regular breaks to avoid burnout and ensure you’re taking in the maximum amount of information.

Staying well-fed, hydrated and getting enough sleep the night before an exam is crucial. Forget what you’ve heard about pulling an all-nighter. Make sure you’re on your A-game during the exam: it won’t be much use if you fall asleep halfway through.

And most of all, just make sure you do your best. No one can ask any more of you than that. If you do the work, try your hardest and can say to yourself that you really gave it your all, you’re on your way to success no matter what your grades are.

Are you following Source on Twitter and Instagram? Make sure you are for study tips and motivational pictures of dogs throughout exam season. 

By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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