Express your selfie!

21 June marks officially selfies day! And what better way to celebrate than to look back at the most weird and wacky selfies taken over the years? Let us know which one is your favourite and don’t forget to send us your own snaps over on Twitter.

The celebrity selfie

Who can forget the Oscar selfie that squeezed not one, not two but TWELVE celebrities in one go? Ellen’s brilliant selfie was so good it went on to nab the title of most retweeted pic of the year.

The one with the giraffe

Did you know that selfie day also shares it’s festivities with world giraffe day? So of course we could resist this cute pic – two celebrations in one!

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The world’s grossest selfie

Maybe it would have helped if he put a filter on it?

The sneaky celeb selfie



The selfie taking cat

Has someone told the Kardashian’s that this kitty is trying to steal their selfie crown?


The selfie that broke the internet

Speaking of Kardashians…who could forget Kim’s infamous #belfie?


Don’t worry if you haven’t taken your selfie today yet. Get your last minute tips from these supermodel and get ready to start snapping. And don’t forget to Tweet us your best pics!

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