Get excited! The Game of Thrones season eight promo video has been released

Pick us up off the floor, because we’re dead after seeing the new Game of Thrones season eight promotion video.

BE AWARE: Spoilers lie ahead.

As we all know, the best TV programme in the world is coming to an end next year, but not before season eight brings us six film-length episodes.

The latest teaser trailer features clips from the previous seven seasons, opening up with Jon facing a stampede of horses from ‘Battle of the Bastards’ (season six, episode nine), and closing with a clip of a stare-off between the King of the North and the Night King, in the confrontation we’ve waited over a year for.

Though the season has not been given an official release date yet, HBO have teased that it will begin sometime in April – just long enough for us to binge watch the last seven seasons before the eighth starts.

Season seven ended with Jon’s parentage being revealed, after years of speculation from fans.

The Night King flew his undead dragon to the Wall breaking through the barrier, and riding south with his army, leaving the future of our beloved characters uncertain.

Whether you’re raring to get the new season started, or mourning the end of the show before it’s even begun, it promises to be the most intense season yet (if that’s even possible), and not one to be missed.

You’ll find us glued to Twitter refreshing the #ForTheThrone hashtag, waiting for April to arrive…

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By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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