Scotland rocks. We’ve got some of the most beautiful landscapes, best people, strangest traditions, most incredible bands and enough amazing stories to last us for years – and it would seem that social media agrees.
For the last 24 hours, the hashtag #GrowingUpScottish has been trending on Twitter, as Scots far and wide recall the very best bits of growing up in the best wee country in the world.
Here are some of the best tweets from the last day…
#GrowingUpScottish texting your ma saying "say no" when you didny want your pal too stay, but never wanted to sound rude
— nphilpxo (@nataaliexxx) July 16, 2015
#GrowingUpScottish when ye blame ur pal on telling you to do suhin and yer maw goes "if she telt you to jump of a cliff would u dae it?"
— natasha farrell (@NatashaFxx) July 16, 2015
#GrowingUpScottish when yer aunties no really your auntie,she's just yer maws best pal
— RUTH [PB❤️] (@ruthgordonxox) July 16, 2015
#GrowingUpScottish this was deemed completely safe..
— Conye West (@WellingtonCone) July 16, 2015
#GrowingUpScottish You only ever needed to ask three questions "How?", "How come?" And "How no?" to any situation or query.
— Killie Me Softly (@mickmcavoy) July 15, 2015
Spout handle lid of metal #GrowingUpScottish
— Paul Harper (@impaulharper) July 15, 2015
#growingupscottish trying to behave all week to get a cheeky wee bit eh golden time and a Friday afternoon
— MUFFSHAQ (@JackMoffat_98) July 15, 2015
When your mum says:
"Do you think I came up the Clyde on a banana boat?!"
— Iona (@IonaPaton) July 15, 2015
Playing kerby until the streetlights came on… #GrowingUpScottish
— Amy Macdonald (@Amy__Macdonald) July 15, 2015