How To… Carve a Pumpkin

Halloween is just around the corner, so grab your broomsticks, don the fake blood and let’s get trick or treating!

Now you have your costume sorted, what about decorations? Pumpkin carving can be traced back to the 1660’s where carving various vegetables became a celebration of the harvest. Throughout time however, pumpkin or ‘jack o lantern’ carving soon became linked to our favourite scary holiday and has remained ever since.  But how do you actually carve a pumpkin? Look no further than this two-minute guide to creating a perfectly carved pumpkin.

Fancy giving it a go yourself? Why not download our ‘scary face’ template or try creating your own.

Happy Halloween!

By Jacquelyn Farr

Jacquelyn is studying for a Masters in Digital Journalism at the University of Strathclyde. In her spare time she loves indulging in anything fashion, comedy or zombie related. Jacquelyn's future aspirations include running her own successful magazine publication, writing for Hollyoaks and traveling around the world (in no particular order).

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