It’s Scottish Apprenticeship Week and we are proud as punch to announce that our favourite staff member Lisa passed her business administration apprenticeship with flying colours and she’s heading off to pick up her Level 3 diploma TODAY!
So in honour of all the fab work she has done over the last 12 months, and to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week, we sat down with the lovely Lisa to chat business, future plans and what it takes to be a top apprentice.
Hello Lisa! First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m 18 and from Wishaw in North Lanarkshire. I started with DC Publishing, Source’s parent company, last year after leaving school at Christmastime. At first, I worked as an apprentice administration assistant. I completed my apprenticeship in under a year and was promoted to production assistant, chasing advertising copy and dealing with general administrative tasks.
Where did you hear about the Modern Apprenticeship with us at Source?
I saw an ad for it on Facebook, but if you are interested in apprenticeship opportunities you can also look on sites like Apprenticeships Scot and Apprenticeships in Scotland.
Why did you decide that completing an apprenticeship was the next step for you?
On leaving school I was unsure what direction to take, whether to continue with my education or to seek full-time employment. So by doing an apprenticeship I was able to gain work experience whilst learning at the same time. This allowed me to broaden my knowledge and progress in my career.
What was the best part you apprenticeship?
The best part of doing an apprenticeship was gaining more of an understanding of how magazines are actually made and the different skills and roles required within a team to bring the magazine to life. This gave me a better understanding of alternative roles I could consider in my future career.
Any downsides?
I didn’t feel like there were any downsides to the apprenticeship as it has opened up so many opportunities for me.

How have things changed since you’ve completed your Modern Apprenticeship?
Since completing my apprenticeship, I feel more confident and have the skills and ability to carry out all the tasks required. I am able to take on more responsibilities and now feel like I am an asset to the team.
Where would you like to see yourself in the future?
Going forward I would ideally love to still be a part of the company, and continue to learn more about magazines and build up my career within the publishing sector.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking of doing a Modern Apprenticeship?
I would highly recommend to anyone to do a Modern Apprenticeship. It is a great way to learn, obtain further qualifications while earning a salary and becoming more independent. It was a great way to point me in the right direction for my future.
Do you dream of being a Modern Apprentice? Tell us about your goals on Twitter!