Olivia Purvis: What it takes to be a blogging superstar

Who doesn’t have a blog these days? But what takes you from a keyboard warrior to an international blogging superstar? Olivia Purvis of What Olivia Did knows exactly what it takes – and she is hear to share her blogging secrets with us. 22 year old Olivia is mates with Emma Gannon and Samantha Maria, has 120k Instagram followers and one of the most lustworthy closets in the blogosphere.

We caught up with Olivia to chat about how she bagged her dream job and hear her tips on how to stand out as a blogger.


How would you describe what it is you do? This is always such a tricky question, but if I’m having to strip it down I’d say a style blogger and writer (or ‘person that posts pictures of themselves on the internet doing silly poses’). 

 What’s a typical day like for you? Each day is so different, so it totally depends from week to week! If I’m working from home it’ll involve walking the dog, replying to emails and editing and writing blog content (and potentially filming videos). If I’m out and about it could involve going to meetings, shooting blog content or attending events/seeing friends!

 What is the best part about your job? Probably getting to meet some insanely inspiring people. Some of my closest friends I’ve met through blogging and I feel so lucky that I’m able to call them my friends. I’m also hugely lucky that I get to work with some of my favourite brands and travel, which are also huge perks too.

 And the hardest? This is tricky, because I feel incredibly lucky that I get to do something I love for a job, but if I had to pick probably the fact that it’s so hard to switch off! You constantly feel the need to be working and getting things done–  it’s definitely not a typical 9-5.

Any career highlights so far? One of my favourite stand out things was probably heading to New York with Kate Spade a couple of years ago – it was one of my first ‘pinch me’ moments.

What skills and qualities are most important for a blogger? Probably imagination, self-motivation and creativity.

Do you consider yourself a role model – and how does that affect how you act online? Not really! I know that to some extent I am, and I do feel responsible for my actions online and realise they have the potential to (pardon the term), influence others. I think having a large platform for anyone does come with a level of responsibility. 

What are your tips to wannabe bloggers want to stand out and to build a following online? Just keep at it – and keep things consistent and fresh. If you love what you’re posting about and can keep at it, they are definitely the main things. I also think tweeting and chatting to other people you like or follow online is super important in order to get noticed and build relationships!

Is there still room for more bloggers and Vloggers out there? What would you say to those thinking of following in your footsteps? Of course! The internet is a big, big place! I think it’s important to not feel demotivated by how many people there are online, and try not to compare yourself to those around you and simply do it because you want to.

How do you think blogging might change in the future? If I had the answer to this I’d probably be a millionaire! It’s so hard to know – things are constantly changing online. So it could go so many ways I’d like to think it’ll still be as much of a fun space as it is now though.

If you weren’t a blogger, what would you be doing? I’d like to think I’d be writing or doing photography still – blogging has taught me a lot about the things I love doing and what I could and would love to keep on with in the future.

What is the question you get asked the most from fans? I don’t think there’s any one thing really, probably mostly about photography and the kit I use – which I recently did a video about!

What is your definition of success? Feeling happy and content. Cheesy but true.

What’s next for you? Hopefully continually improving YouTube videos, shinier blog content and better use of Snapchat ; )


Would you love to be a blogging superstar? Link us your blogs over on Twitter!

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