I’m getting a bit old. I really hate to admit that. And aside from getting two degrees out the way and a REAL job, I’ve grown up in other ways too. On Friday I went to a chippy at the end of a night out and thought, Actually, no, and then went home and made a cup of tea. Someone said “lit” to me and I had no desire to find out what it actually meant. I’ll be honest, young me is completely gutted at this development. Old me— I’m ready to dish out some advice.
I went to Magaluf for my Sixth Year holiday and I enjoyed every minute of it. Even if it’s you’re first time loose with friends abroad you’ll know that these trips are usually full of alcohol and questionable decision-making. Here’s a small guide to having a trouble free trip – take it from an old bird, it’ll be one of the best weeks of your life.
My sixth year holiday to Magaluf with my friends was so much fun. And not to sound like your mum, but sometimes the good times come with bad consequences. On one night out, our large group split into two smaller gangs. So when one of our friends disappeared, it took us ages to realise she was with neither group. We found her later in a hospital, having her stomach pumped after she was discovered wandering the strip by police. Scary stuff. But it did teach us an important lesson, namely sticking together and always knowing where everyone is. Whatsapp is great for keeping tabs but you can also download the Buddy app that will allow you track all your friends’ movements through GPS.
And know you’re friends’ limits too. The second thing we learnt that night was that it was all too easy to get carried away in the excitement of it all. The mixture of sunshine, cheap booze and freedom sometimes is just too much! So always try to line your stomach before a night out and try swapping drinks for water if you feel you are hitting your limit. If you’ve left your drink unattended, don’t go back to it.
I’m sure you’ll stay somewhere far more sophisticated than I did. You’re probably not sleeping on a sofa bed in a place that starts blaring out Skepta at 8 in the morning (but if you are bring earplugs – it’s a ruse to get you out of bed and start spending/partying again). But even if you’re lying out in a Airbnb luxury villa bare in mind there can be problems anywhere you go. Take photocopies or screenshots of booking receipts, save your accommodation to Google Maps so you can find it easily and always keep your belongings in a safe.
It’s easy to get bogged down in the routine of going out every night and sleeping all day like some sort of raving vampire. Try adding some daytime fun to your trip by visiting a waterpark. No nearby park? Beaches nearby are sure to have some fun watersports activities for you to try. Banana boat anyone?
Even if you think you don’t need it. Yes that includes really boring things like blister plasters, suncream extra cash or (look away Mum!) condoms.
They’ll inevitably be some boy/girl drama, some tears and some drunken confessions and there are sure to be chats that make you cringe in the morning. But the important thing is to keep talking. Tell people if you’re feeling left out or too drunk and let people know if you feel uncomfortable with anything. Lots of people look at Sixth Year holidays as a chance try something new but that doesn’t mean you have to do anything you think you’ll regret. And your ‘rents will be so relieved when you don’t come back with a giant dolphin tattoo on your back.
Have you been on your Sixth Form holiday or are you just back? We’d love to hear from you on Twitter!