Hit makers The XX, Two Door Cinema Club, Primal Scream, Editors and Bombay Bicycle Club have put together their ultimate playlists to help raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Syria as part of Oxfam’s Love Syria campaign.
The Spotify playlists will be released on the countdown to next weekend’s Glastonbury festival. Music fans are being encouraged to share the playlists to show their support for the people of Syria, a country currently falling apart at the hands of civil war.
These music mega stars have recognised that, while life seems tough for you sometimes, with exam results on the horizon, problems with your boyfriend or girlfriend or your parents giving you a hard time, it is worth thinking beyond your own worries. As a country, Syria is deteriorating daily, with over eight million people being forced to leave their own homes, 1.5 million of whom are now living as refugees in neighbouring countries. These are normal people. Mums, dads, students, children, teachers, doctors – people just like you and me, whose lives have been changed forever because of a situation beyond their control.
Oxfam is hoping to reach out to 650,000 people in the coming months, but this will just scrape the surface of the problem. As conflict worsens, more and more people are affected and relief agencies like Oxfam are struggling to meet demand.
The charity has launched a petition, calling on the UK government to increase aid within Syria and to help bring to conflict to a peaceful, not military, end. You can sign the petition at www.oxfam.org.uk/syria- petition
If you want to show your support in a more musical fashion, keep your eyes peeled for the Oxfam Spotify playlists. The release dates are as follows:
Thursday – Bombay Bicycle Club
Friday- Editors
Saturday – Josephine
Sunday – Two Door Cinema Club
Monday – The XX
Tuesday – Primal Scream
You’ll be able to see the playlists online starting from today at www.oxfam.org.uk/musicforsyria. By sharing with friends and spreading the word, you’ll be showing your support for Oxfam’s Love Syria festival campaign – see how you can get involved at www.oxfam.org.uk/get-involved/festivals/campaigners
Image: © Fred Perraut/Oxfam