5 reasons why you should get work experience over summer

The summer holidays. Days and days of sitting in your jammies until mid-afternoon binging on Netflix and then maybe meeting your pals later in the day if you can be bothered… It’s the dream! And while this time to chill is definitely needed when you’ve worked so hard all year, there’s something you could be… Continue reading 5 reasons why you should get work experience over summer

Six Things I learnt on my Sixth Form Holiday

I’m getting a bit old. I really hate to admit that. And aside from getting two degrees out the way and a REAL job, I’ve grown up in other ways too. On Friday I went to a chippy at the end of a night out and thought, Actually, no, and then went home and made a… Continue reading Six Things I learnt on my Sixth Form Holiday

The science of study sleep

Teachers and parents are forever banging on about the importance of a good night’s sleep – and none of us are getting enough of it. But did you know that getting sufficient snooze time can make you more energetic, even-tempered and help your exam performance? Rachael Fulton spoke to Dr Linda Russell, otherwise known as The Sleep Lady, for some… Continue reading The science of study sleep

Get happy: 7 mood boosting tips

Spring’s here and we’re officially ready to defrost. None of this hat-gloves-ski jacket combo every time you leave the house; our miserable post-Christmas slump has gone on long enough. It’s time to quit hibernating, shake out the cold and tackle the rest of the year head-on. A little sunshine through your window isn’t going to… Continue reading Get happy: 7 mood boosting tips

The mistakes every fresher makes… and how to avoid them

Group selfie

The start of university is now upon us, which means new freshers straight out of high school or college ready to start their uni career. And with new intake comes the old mistakes many freshers before them have made. That’s why we thought we would help you out by listing some of the common mistakes made in… Continue reading The mistakes every fresher makes… and how to avoid them

Fresher’s Week: What I wish I’d known

Emma (front, right) with her friends last fresher's week

Two weeks before I moved to Glasgow, my parents went on holiday without me for the first time. I took this as a challenge – a test run before the real thing. I learned how to use the washing machine and even attempted to iron some things, but nothing prepared me for the experience known… Continue reading Fresher’s Week: What I wish I’d known