Stuff you should know about alcohol

These days, alcohol is almost an unavoidable part of young people’s lives. Whether you like it or not, social occasions tend to revolve around the consumption of large quantities of it and ‘a night out’ consists of getting drunk (causing a scene, sending inappropriate Snapchats, eating your weight in kebab meat, etc). There’s no harm… Continue reading Stuff you should know about alcohol

YOUR VIEW: The worst (and best) of NekNominate

It started in Australia, when one man downed a pint and then nominated his friends to do the same. Since then, it’s spiralled and become a sensation throughout the UK. Everyone has either taken part in a NekNomination or knows someone who has. However, since it’s modest beginnings, it has spiralled and led to people… Continue reading YOUR VIEW: The worst (and best) of NekNominate