How do you build a career in media?

Imagine being a part of something that provokes debate, entertains and informs thousands of people of what’s going on around them – it’s all possible in the world of the media! We caught up with one Scot who is making their mark in the media…   ON RADIO: ON THE JOB EMMA CLIFFORD Since graduating from… Continue reading How do you build a career in media?

Want to change the world? It starts with SIE!

The Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE) creates opportunities for students to be innovative. Through it’s free Scotland-wide activities, SIE provides a safe space to explore ideas and develop useful enterprise skills. Many of Scotland’s most successful young entrepreneurs started their journey entering an SIE competition and have gone on to receive millions in investment and… Continue reading Want to change the world? It starts with SIE!

Can I make a career out of working with animals?

ANIMAL CARE ASSISTANT Care assistants are responsible for looking after a range of different animals in kennels, rescue centres and sanctuaries. Duties include preparing food, grooming and exercising animals, cleaning out kennels and pens and looking after animals that are unwell or distressed. This can be dirty, hard work, but also hugely rewarding – where else do you get paid to play with puppies? You… Continue reading Can I make a career out of working with animals?

App-y Studying

PRODUCTIVITY: Evernote and Simplenote Both free on iTunes Make notes, create endless to-do lists and file everything away in the ultimate neat and tidy virtual notebook Evernote. You can even record voice reminders if you have a ‘eureka’ moment during your studies. For a more stripped back version when you have to get all your brilliant… Continue reading App-y Studying

How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered

We sat down with Heather McKendrick, careers and outreach manager at the Law Society of Scotland, to find out how you go about pursuing a career in law… How do you go about becoming a solicitor? The first stage is the law degree, also known as the LLB. For students with a degree in a different… Continue reading How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered

Donald Trump and Sir Philip Green are the celebrity entrepreneurs people would least like to work for…

You spend a third of your life at work (even if it sometimes feels like more), so you want, at least, to be sure that the person you’re working for deserves your precious time. Most of us hope for a boss who is fair, who inspires and motivates us, and who seems approachable and decent… Continue reading Donald Trump and Sir Philip Green are the celebrity entrepreneurs people would least like to work for…

What it’s like to train to be a vet

What does it take to become a vet? We speak to final year vet student Terri Steel to see how she landed her dream career.    What do you do?  I’m a final year vet student at Glasgow University. As part of our course, we need to do 38 weeks of “seeing practice” in our… Continue reading What it’s like to train to be a vet

How I became a sports reporter: Kieran Canning, AFP

Kieran Canning, originally from Airdrie, is living the DREAM. Based in Madrid, he’s the Spanish sports correspondent for AFP (Agence France-Presse), a major French news agency. His day is consumed by sport – mostly football – and he’s covered some of the biggest events the sporting calendar has to offer. He’s currently in Rio chasing… Continue reading How I became a sports reporter: Kieran Canning, AFP

Turning A ‘Like’ Into A Living

Group of happy friends having fun

How do you go about turning something you like into a living? Careers advice often focuses on academia, how well you perform in exams and which school subjects can set you up for a satisfying career. Hobbies are often overlooked, but these can hold the key to an exciting future. You can do something you… Continue reading Turning A ‘Like’ Into A Living