There’s no doubt about it – January is definitely the worst month of the year. It’s dark, cold, wet and it’s no longer acceptable to play Christmas tunes. What’s even the point?
Tag: facebook
Social media: Instagram might hide your likes to protect your mental health
When we first heard that Instagram might be hiding how many likes we get, we were freaking out. Now that we’re armed with the facts, it doesn’t seem like such a crazy idea.
Get in the know: how to spot the dangers of social media
There’s no denying we live in a blue world (hi, social media) so understanding the very real dangers is important – especially for young people.
Everything you need to know about Scroll Free September
The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) is urging people to quit social media for the month of September. Could you go cold turkey on scrolling for 30 days?
Manage your social media
As the Cambridge Analytica scandal unfolds – how can you manage your online reputation?
What you need to know about the Cambridge Analytica scandal
You’ll probably have heard the name Cambridge Analytica popping up in the news in recent weeks.
We are a nation of show-offs
We are the guinea pig generation. There has never been a group of young people growing up surrounded with so much technology invented with the purpose of enhancing our social life. It all started with MSN, Myspace and Bebo – social networking sites designed to help people enhance friendships, upload and share media and exchange… Continue reading We are a nation of show-offs
The good and bad of social media
Today is Social Media Day! Yeah, really. That’s a thing. Mashable launched #SMDay back in 2010 (the same year Instagram launched, fact fans), and now in its sixth year, there are events taking place all over the shop to celebrate the wonder of all thing social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Vine, Flickr, Tumblr,… Continue reading The good and bad of social media
What your Facebook status really says about you
A survey by some university boffins has shown what our Facebook status updates say about who we truly are. If you enjoy posting about how hot your boyfriend is, chances are you’ll have low self esteem. And if you like updating friends about your diet or tough exercise regime, you’re likely to be narcissist. In… Continue reading What your Facebook status really says about you