Travel the world… in just a few months!

Whether you’re at school where the summer holidays stretch to six weeks, you’ve got a a whopping three months of summer at university or you’ve just left education and not sure what to do next, why not get involved in a mini gap year project abroad? Laura Redpath takes a look at some of the best short-term gap options that the… Continue reading Travel the world… in just a few months!

A Break From Routine: 2 Years in South Korea

When the final year of my undergrad degree arrived, I was totally clueless when it came to deciding which road to take. The exit sign pointed in two different directions: full-time employment or postgraduate study. Having sat exams annually since the age of 15, I felt pretty unmotivated by a postgrad and although employment seemed like a sensible… Continue reading A Break From Routine: 2 Years in South Korea