#REFUGENES: What do refugees look like?

Dawn O’Porter’s new campaign asks members of British public: ‘Do you have refugenes?’ What do you think refugees look like? Do they look helpless? Malnourished? Suspicious? Different? Turns out they look just look like you and me. Sometimes, as Dawn O’Porter’s new campaign points out,  they even look like celebrities. Stars from the worlds of… Continue reading #REFUGENES: What do refugees look like?

Throwing Twitter Shade: Best Celeb Wars in 140 Characters

As Twitter and Snapchat erupt with another case of Kanye versus T-Swift, it’s clear the world loves a celebrity cat fight. Kanye is cruising for a suing after his Famous video, which features claims that he made “that b**** famous” in reference to Swifty, and the Kardashian-Wests are Snapchat-baiting Camp Swift to  get a reaction. That moment when… Continue reading Throwing Twitter Shade: Best Celeb Wars in 140 Characters