While keeping close to home to stay safe is important, if you’re considering attending university it’s important to attend an open day. This year, universities across Scotland will be holding virtual open days so you can choose the right fit for you.
Tag: Stirling
Are you Stirling? Discover more at their 2019 Open Day
Are you Stirling? Find out about the exciting opportunities on offer at the University of Stirling with their upcoming Open Day events.
Fighting food waste through freebies
Would you willingly throw some cash directly into the bin? I’d imagine not, but that’s basically what you’re doing when it comes to food waste.
Free things to do: Stirling and St Andrews
Both Stirling and St Andrews are stunning historical towns with big student communities. If you’ve rinsed all your cash on club nights and dominos and find yourself bored, fear not! As well and being picturesque to wander around, both towns have plenty of free cultural activities to fill your time with. Stirling 1.The King’s Knot… Continue reading Free things to do: Stirling and St Andrews
Scottish Universities: Where to study?
Want to study in Scotland but can’t decide where? We totally understand the difficulty of choosing where you’ll spend the next four years of your life so we’ve compiled a list of all the universities in Scotland to help with your decision. Although universities offer a wide range of courses, some of these educational institutes… Continue reading Scottish Universities: Where to study?