With balancing deadlines, exams and a part-time job, students tend to have enough on their plate without having to worry about money. Just because it is the stereotype that all students are poor, doesn’t mean that has to be the reality. We’ve gathered some tips to help you save the pennies and hold onto your… Continue reading How to save money when you’re a poor student
Tag: student finance
Managing student debt
We’re in a recession, and there is no way of avoiding it. High street stores are closing left, right and centre and finding a job appears harder than ever. Your education is one way to single yourself out when it comes to job-hunting, but unfortunately knowledge is not free. Though here in Scotland we’re lucky… Continue reading Managing student debt
Money Management
If talk of APRs and overdrafts has your head in a spin, our handy ‘how to’ guide will soon sort out your banking woes… PICK A BANK Whether you want to set up your first account or you think it’s time to get a better deal, the big question is – how do you pick… Continue reading Money Management