Well, today’s the day, troops. Exam season is finally here and it’s perfectly normal to have feelings of doubt, worry and anxiety.
Tag: study tips
The do’s and don’ts of exam season prep
Exam season is (sadly) upon us and we’re freaking out! There’s no easy way to be stress-free for the next six weeks, but there are ways you should, and shouldn’t, prepare.
Your ultimate guide to exam revision
With exams fast approaching, if you’ve never had to revise for anything more serious than a class test, there’s a good chance you’re bricking it right now.
Exam Study Tips from Successful Scots
The SQA exams are just weeks away – the pressure is officially on. Chances are, the next few weeks of your life are going to be engulfed with studying. Hours spent in textbooks, doing practice papers and racking your brains to remember that lengthy Shakespeare quote – and hoping that some of it sticks. It’s… Continue reading Exam Study Tips from Successful Scots
Top Study Tips [and adorable study GIFS]
Here we are, in the depths of exam leave. Surrounded by notes and textbooks, highlighters all dried up and nails chewed down to just nubs. Nubs I tell you! We live in the 21st century, why is there no technology to download study notes directly into our brains? Why am I seeing diagrams of aortic atriums in… Continue reading Top Study Tips [and adorable study GIFS]