ANIMAL CARE ASSISTANT Care assistants are responsible for looking after a range of different animals in kennels, rescue centres and sanctuaries. Duties include preparing food, grooming and exercising animals, cleaning out kennels and pens and looking after animals that are unwell or distressed. This can be dirty, hard work, but also hugely rewarding – where else do you get paid to play with puppies? You… Continue reading Can I make a career out of working with animals?
Tag: work experience
App-y Studying
PRODUCTIVITY: Evernote and Simplenote Both free on iTunes Make notes, create endless to-do lists and file everything away in the ultimate neat and tidy virtual notebook Evernote. You can even record voice reminders if you have a ‘eureka’ moment during your studies. For a more stripped back version when you have to get all your brilliant… Continue reading App-y Studying
How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered
We sat down with Heather McKendrick, careers and outreach manager at the Law Society of Scotland, to find out how you go about pursuing a career in law… How do you go about becoming a solicitor? The first stage is the law degree, also known as the LLB. For students with a degree in a different… Continue reading How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered
5 reasons why you should get work experience over summer
The summer holidays. Days and days of sitting in your jammies until mid-afternoon binging on Netflix and then maybe meeting your pals later in the day if you can be bothered… It’s the dream! And while this time to chill is definitely needed when you’ve worked so hard all year, there’s something you could be… Continue reading 5 reasons why you should get work experience over summer
How to shine on placement
Got work experience looming? Don’t see it as a week away from class – take the opportunity to learn something! The thought of work experience and entering into the world of work for the first time can be a scary prospect, so we’re giving you some top tips to help you get the most out of… Continue reading How to shine on placement
Reasons to get work experience
During your time at school you are offered an opportunity to take on one week of work experience to give you an idea of what different working environments are like and what certain jobs involve. Work experience is an important part of your education and the vast majority of employers and young people recognise the… Continue reading Reasons to get work experience
Get experienced
Chances are, you’re going to feel one of two ways about work experience. You’ll either feel super excited at the prospect of getting into the workplace, or your heart will sink. Work experience – whether it’s mandatory or something you’re keen to do yourself – can be pretty scary. You’re thrown into the workplace with… Continue reading Get experienced
Why work experience is worth it
We all know the importance of work experience, especially nowadays when it is getting exceedingly difficult for students to find jobs after college or uni. The competition on the job market is tough, so the more experience you have the better. In some courses you may be lucky enough to have work experience incorporated into… Continue reading Why work experience is worth it
How to get the most out of work experience
Applying for jobs, particularly full time work can be hard; you think you have found a perfect position when you notice that previous experience is essential. Cue everyone asking the question: ‘How am I supposed to get the required experience if I can’t get a job?’ The answer? Work experience. Work experience is an excellent… Continue reading How to get the most out of work experience