The 5 personalities of Instagram

instagramSpend half your life on Instagram? Us too. (At @source.magazine in case you were wondering.) If you’re as into liking the pics of strangers as us, chances are you’ve come across these interesting characters as your scroll your life away…

The Supportive Friend

Probably your flatmate who gives you the obligatory like 2 seconds after you yell “Instagram” from the comfort of your bedroom. Might just be your mum.

The Butterfingers

You give them your phone to stalk that guy. She does fine until she scrolls past the 52 week mark. Then it just falls apart in rapid succession. One like, two, three….seven. She might as well announce you are about to sneak into his house to kidnap his cat.

The Throwbacker

Regardless of whether it’s not a Thursday this person finds both a reason and an alliteration to hark back to the time they looked tanned/skinny/met Brad Pitt. Added annoying points for ‘throwing back’ to the last 24 hours.

The Quoter

Simply put, humanity can be split into two sets of people: the sane, and those who post “He offered her the world. She said she had her own” Instagram quotes.

The Master of Mystery

You can’t remember when or why you started following them and they have the vague name of ‘meoninsta’. You still nonchalantly follow them for pics of avocados and Motivational Quotes but on closer inspection you have absolutely no idea what they look like or who they are. Again this could actually be your mum.


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