Top 10 Purrrfect Insta-Cats

There’s nothing the internet loves more than cats.

Videos of cats, cat memes, cat GIFS – these furry kitties are the kings and queens of internet hits.

Some felines aren’t just in it for the fun, their famous internet lifestyles keep them in catnip and kitty litter. Here are some of the world’s most famous Instacats:

The Original Grumpy Cat

No-one could have predicted the fame of this seriously ticked-off looking cat. With 1.7million Instagram followers and a range of merchandise including plush toys and cushions, Grumpy Cat is officially killin’ it on social media.

This cat even does meet and greets. MEET AND GREETS. Cat fame level: stratospheric [catospheric.]

Princess Monster Truck

The story of Princess Monster Truck is a great rags-to-riches tail about a kitty down on its luck on the mean streets of New York, who was snapped up and turned into a social media superstar.

Princess has one of the most outstanding underbites on the net. She might have been last in the queue when they were giving out gnashers, but she hasn’t half made the most of her unfortunate dental situation.

She has her own merchandise and a huge online following thanks to that unforgettable grimace.


This adorable furball is Bebe, a Persian kitty living it up in Tokyo.

Her 59,000+ followers love tuning in for her fluffy antics around her flat in Japan.

CUTE! Or should we say… かわいい!

My LuLu

My Lulu Cat is the account of two fluffy internet catpals who like chilling on cushions, curling up together and wearing glittery bowties and novelty hairbands.

Actually, we don’t know if they like the last part, but they do it anyway — like all good Instagram pets should.

Alice, Finnegan and Oliver

This cat-cat-dog combo is an unlikely trio of best friends with excellent fur in common.

Alice and Finnegan are Siberian Lynx Point cats, and man do they fluff it up next to their canine friend.

You can find them at @pitterpatterfurryfeet

Kitty Gang

Olle, Lillebror and Ferdinand are a gang of kitties who love nothing more than chilling on their cat tree and having a little tussle.

Here they are doing some boxing training on a Caturday.



When Waffles the cat goes on a weekend break, he expects free champagne and cat food to be waiting in the hotel room.

This flat-eared Instakitty has 379,000 followers and has even starred in a movie: Nine Lives. You can follow this Scottish Fold on Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr.

Got any favourite Instakitties? Let us know @source.magazine


By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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