The UK’s best social student cities

That time of the year is swiftly coming around again – which university are you going to choose? Obviously, the course and future career prospects are high up on the list – and so is nightlife, who you’re likely to meet and all the other cool/important stuff.

Thankfully, the nice guys over at Globehunters have gone and done all the hard, mathematical, algorithm-based work to find out the best university cities in the UK based on the social side of things.

Looking at six different factors including: student population, nightlife, restaurants, cinemas, shopping centres and theatres, there’s now no excuse to be wondering about the best city to move to for the best year’s of your life.

From the six categories a league table has been created and you’ll be surprised at the cities that came on top!

Leading the way is Crewe with Cheltenham taking a close second. More populated cities like London, Edinburgh and Glasgow still make the top 20 but it looks like the smaller towns take the lead when it comes to the best locations.

Have a look at the good, the bad and the not quite cutting it locations and don’t forget to tell us where your city ranks – and if you think it’s a fair judgement – by tweeting us @SourceMag.

City Student Population (Pts) Nightlife (Pts) Restaurants (Pts) Cinemas (Pts) Shopping (Pts) Theatres (Pts) Total (Pts)
1. Crewe 4 77 75 75 74 73 378
2. Cheltenham 18 72 68 76 69 67 370
3. Newport 5 67 73 71 75 75 366
4. Bolton 3 70 74 69 72 71 359
5. Bradford 2 69 71 70 70 69 351
6. Falmouth 64 71 67 74 0 74 350
7. Colchester 7 62 70 66 68 73 346
8. Wrexham 32 61 52 47 76 70 338
9. Norwich 25 68 66 57 58 61 335
10. Cirencester 21 73 76 0 77 76 323
11. Worcester 30 60 54 54 61 50 309
12. Galashiels 6 76 72 77 0 77 308
13. Hull 15 65 57 64 67 38 306
14. London 10 55 69 60 54 48 296
15. Cambridge 60 38 37 56 50 52 293
16. Carmarthen 62 24 65 68 71 0 290
17. Edinburgh 42 64 61 51 39 33 290
18. Swansea 19 57 59 36 46 63 280
19. Carlisle 37 49 60 34 45 54 279
20. Reading 8 59 63 43 64 42 279
21. Buckingham 61 49 20 73 0 68 271
22. Inverness 54 25 46 62 48 36 271
23. Glasgow 33 53 58 50 49 23 266
24. Bristol 36 54 48 63 27 37 265
25. Winchester 51 45 33 42 53 41 265
26. Lancaster 67 20 16 48 56 57 264
27. Liverpool 35 66 50 53 24 35 263
28. High Wycombe 17 10 36 61 66 66 256
29. Bangor 71 50 10 27 73 24 255
30. Chester 57 56 49 14 19 60 255
31. Derby 16 63 55 65 16 39 254
32. Northampton 14 47 64 59 26 43 253
33. York 47 35 56 41 31 40 250
34. Aberdeen 38 33 27 58 55 34 245
35. Lincoln 50 29 38 10 51 64 242
36. Plymouth 27 75 35 17 29 58 241
37. Leicester 39 41 47 52 40 17 236
38. Nottingham 58 40 29 37 37 30 231
39. Bournemouth 40 44 51 23 59 8 225
40. Brighton 45 58 40 18 11 53 225
41. Bedford 26 27 41 45 22 62 223
42. Exeter 52 40 25 26 33 47 223
43. Bath 66 30 26 25 15 55 217
44. Dundee 43 11 19 33 65 44 215
45. Loughborough 69 6 13 67 47 13 215
46. Portsmouth 31 43 39 24 32 46 215
47. Leeds 24 46 42 11 62 28 213
48. Birmingham 22 19 43 49 57 22 212
49. Luton 12 42 45 29 34 49 211
50. Newcastle 55 51 30 9 36 29 210
51. Stoke 28 36 23 55 14 51 207
52. Aberystwyth 74 28 12 35 0 56 205
53.  Huddersfield 44 31 44 32 41 10 202
54. Guildford 34 16 17 12 63 59 201
55. Chichester 11 9 62 72 0 45 199
56. Oxford 70 13 11 38 35 26 193
57. Southampton 48 35 28 19 43 20 193
58. Middlesbrough 46 15 14 6 42 65 188
59. Belfast 20 22 21 46 60 18 187
60. Manchester 56 37 24 22 17 27 183
61. Wolverhampton 23 23 31 31 38 32 178
62. Cardiff 41 21 34 44 21 14 175
63. Sunderland 9 52 53 16 25 16 171
64. Stirling 68 14 15 21 30 21 169
65. Paisley 63 5 6 40 52 0 166
66. Loughton 1 74 77 0 0 0 152
67. Sheffield 29 32 32 30 20 9 152
68. Durham 59 7 18 8 44 12 148
69. St Andrews 72 8 8 28 0 25 141
70. Canterbury 65 26 5 20 12 11 139
71. Preston 13 18 22 39 28 19 139
72. Chelmsford 53 12 9 13 18 31 136
73. Hatfield 75 1 2 15 13 6 112
74. Coventry 49 4 7 7 23 15 105
75. Cranfield 77 17 1 0 0 0 95
76. Pontypridd 76 2 3 5 0 7 93
77. Ormskirk 73 3 4 0 0 0 80



By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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