Have you been affected by sexual violence? Rape Crisis Scotland are here for you

The Rape Crisis Scotland helpline offers support to anyone aged 13 and over* who has been affected by any form of sexual violence, no matter when it happened. Sexual violence includes a range of behaviours such as rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, the sharing/threat of sharing initimate images without your consent, sexual harassment, stalking and more. We provide support by phone, as well as email and can offer free language and sign language interpreters. We offer support to survivors, as well as those supporting them, so if your friend, partner or family member has been affected and you want to know how to help get in touch.

We support survivors from all over Scotland and are open every evening 6pm to midnight on the free and confidential helpline. All support is provided by women, and we can offer you a safe, supportive space where you will be believed and listened to. You don’t have to talk about what has happened if you don’t want to. We can let you know about options and about the process of reporting to the Police, give you a range of useful support resources as well as put you in touch with support and advocacy in your area. Support is available whether or not you decide to report.

We aim to be an inclusive and accessible service. We have our silver LGBT chartermark and have an LGBTI specific service Mondays and Thursdays 7pm to midnight.

Please get in touch on freephone 08088 01 03 02 or email support@rapecrisisscotland.org.uk

See www.rapecrisisscotland.org.uk for more information on what we offer and on support available at your local Rape Crisis Centre.

* For those 12 and under contact Childline on 0800 1111

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