What to expect on Results Day 2019

What seemed like a lifetime to wait is etching ever closer. We’re talking 6 August aka Results Day.

Results day is just around the corner. Here’s everything you need to know, including what to expect and what to do if you don’t get the results you need for your first choice of college or university.

When is SQA results day and how do I get my results?

You’ll receive your results on 6 August 2019. If you signed up for a text message and/or email from MySQA, you’ll get your results from 8am. A certificate will arrive in the post on 6 August, too. If you don’t receive your results, don’t panic! Phone your school or college who will let you know your results.

If you applied to college or university this year, your SQA results will automatically be sent to UCAS, so you can check if you made your conditions for your first-choice college or university on UCAS Track.

What happens if I don’t get the grades I need for my first choice?

If you had an insurance choice and have made the grades you need – you’re good to go!

However, if you narrowly missed out on the grades required to meet your conditions for your first-choice college or university, there’s a chance they might still accept you.

Phone your first-choice college or university directly – some institutions will allow you to appeal your offer and may accept you onto the course with lower grades.

What options are available if I don’t meet the requirements for my insurance?

It’s natural to be a little bit anxious if you don’t meet your grades, but try not to panic. There are several options available to you.

What is clearing?

If you still want to go to college or university, the first step when you don’t meet your grades is to check UCAS Clearing. There’s a high chance you’ll find spaces on a course right for you – especially if you check Clearing on the day you receive your results. Be prepared to make a quick and decisive decision as most places will be filled the days following Results Day.

Top tip: Phone the college or university yourself if you can, rather than having a parent or guardian speak on your behalf. The university might like to ask you questions about your chosen course.


What if I miss my offers and don’t get accepted through clearing?

You might consider taking a year out, and applying to college or university again. It might be a good idea to look into retaking your Highers at a college – some colleges offer evening classes for a range of Highers which you easily fit around a job.

A gap year also opens up possibilities to travel, work or volunteer – all of which will look great on your personal statement when (or if) you do decide to reapply.

Do I have to go to college or university?

Absolutely not! A university degree is not essential to get a good job; many people who didn’t go to college or university have highly successful careers – did you know Simon Cowell and Richard Branson don’t have degrees?

Why not take a look at apprenticeships? It’s common for some companies to offer a full-time career combined with an apprenticeship – and what’s more, no student debt.


Just remember, it might feel like your world is crumbling at the moment, but there is help available and there is no one way to success.

Where can I get more advice?

The SQA Results Helpline will be open 8am until 8pm on 6–7 August and from 9am until 5pm from 9–15 August to help you consider your options.

Words: Olivia McCann

By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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