Being Fearless to help a friend in need

Credit @FearlessORG on Twitter
Credit @FearlessORG on Twitter

The summer holidays are here and that means no classes until August. For you, the summer holidays might be the highlight of the year, but it’s important to look out for your friends that might not feel the same.

For some the summer holidays can mean a higher risk of harm or neglect without teachers to look out for them.  The Fearless campaign, which is run by CrimeStoppers, means that you can be fearless and report any information that could help a friend at risk 100% anonymously.

If you are worried that a friend could be in distress, the campaign advises you to look out for certain signs. These include a friend avoiding going home, looking unclear or having unexplained injuries and bruises.


Anyone can give information anonymously through the Fearless website. There’s no requests for personal details and if these are given they won’t be put on record so no one will find out if you give information. There’s also a helpful guide that explains what sort of information can be reported.

It is important to remember that this is not a replacement for the emergency services and that 999 should always be called if there is a need for immediate action.

If you or a friend is at risk of harm but can’t turn to an adult, there’s organisations you can speak to to get help and support.

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By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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