Let’s talk mental health: it’s time to reach out

Credit: @youngmindsuk

All week we’ve been discussing mental health ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day on Monday 10 September. Today we focus on the importance of reaching out.

Credit: @youngmindsuk

In the midst of a mental health crisis it can feel as though there is nobody there to turn to. This feeling is common due to the power of mental illness – it is a lie. There is guidance out there are there are people dedicated to supporting your needs.


Across Glasgow, ‘you matter’ post-it notes have been anonymously placed on a bridge in the city to encourage people to reconsider suicide and guide them in the right direction of support. It is a heartwarming gesture helping to bring people back from the edge.

Up to 40 handwritten messages, written on brightly coloured post-it notes, have been posted on a bridge dubbed the Squinty Bridge that stands above Glasgow’s River Clyde.

Credit: anonymous

Reading ‘you matter,’ ‘you are strong,’ ‘do not give up. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever,’ have been posted to encourage people back from the brink of suicide. Alongside the notes there is the crisis number for the Samaritans (116 123).


Samaritans is working to ensure deaths by suicide decrease and support is available to people in emotional distress or living with suicidal feelings.

Many mental health conditions, which we have covered across the week including depression, and bipolar, can lead people to live with suicidal tendencies. Stigma is still a big issue when it comes to reaching out, especially for young men, but it’s important to understand that:

It’s OK, not to be OK.


If you’re worried about a friend don’t be afraid to ask them how they’re feeling. Suicide is not a pleasant subject to talk about, but mentioning it to a friend you’re worried about isn’t going to be the idea into their head. In fact, it might make them stop and realise that there are people there ready and prepared to listen to their thoughts and feelings.

Talking is a powerful tool when it comes to preventing suicide.


From speaking to a close friend, a relative, teacher, colleague or the person on the other side of a helpline phone: there are people out there dedicated to ensuring people are safe and supported.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling please contact:



116 123

U can cope



Papyrus HOPElineUK – 0800 068 41 41


Young Minds


By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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