If you like the sound of having a positive impact on the community while having fun, then why not start volunteering? Join the Student Volunteering Week celebrations from 7 to 13 February

Student Volunteering Week

Led by the Student Volunteering Network, this week is marking the celebration of student volunteers and praising all of their hard work. The week shows off all the projects and events that student volunteers should be extremely proud of, so if you have taken part in voluntary work then why not share your experience on social media platforms and inspire others? The Student Volunteering Network aim to show people how valuable these experiences are and try to create even more volunteering opportunities for young people.

To find out how you can get involved in Student Volunteering Week head to the Student Volunteering Network’s Website.

Why volunteer?

The whole idea behind volunteering is to help others, but what you might not realise is that this involvement will have a huge positive impact on your own wellbeing too. Just being in a new environment opens up your world to new people and experiences that will help you build your confidence.

A big reason to get involved in volunteering is because it can help you in the future. It’s great to be able to put these experiences down on your CV because it makes you stand out in job applications. This looks just as good as work experience on a CV and shows the employer that you are a caring individual that puts others before yourself, has a positive mind set and is extremely hard-working.

Another great part of volunteering is that you can have flexible hours. You’re not stuck in a 9-5 work commitment, but instead get to help when you can and fit it around your busy life. Even volunteering for an hour a week can have a big effect on the community around you.

Finding opportunities

Want to get involved but don’t know how? There are so many places that would be delighted to have you join their team. Start by checking out your university’s website or by attending a fresher’s fair at the start of term to see what opportunities are available nearby. Different organisations and charities often attend to find eager volunteers.

There are all different types of volunteering activities so do some research and find the right one for you. If you are a social person, then spending time helping out children or the elderly could be for you. Signing up to help international students practice their English could be better if you prefer working with your peers.

There are always plenty opportunities to help out our environment through activities like gardening. Another place which is constantly looking for volunteers is the NHS.

There are also many volunteering opportunities that you can participate in virtually. Shout provide a service where children can send a text and then receive a phone call to talk about their mental health. This service relies on volunteers to continue their vital work, so why not join the team.

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