Summer holidays: getting a part-time job

Love it or hate the thought of it: part time jobs are heaven sent. Get your own dolla and life experience this summer.

School is finally out for summer and we’re as relieved as you are. Whether you’re saving up to pay for your sixth year holiday before heading off to uni, or just need something to keep you busy after moving back home for the summer, we’ve got you sorted: that’s right, we’re talking part-time jobs.

There are many benefits of getting a part-time job throughout summer, and we’re bringing you just a few to get you motivated to hit the high street and hand out your CV.


Firstly, having a part-time job will bring you financial independence – no more relying on the bank of mum and dad to pay for that trip to the cinema or a pair of trainers.

When you earn your own money, you can spend it on whatever you want – you don’t need to ask anyone for permission, which is the great thing about working during the summer.

Earning money also teaches you the value of money and how to be responsible with it – you might really want that t-shirt when your mum is paying for it, but it you have to spend your own money on it, you might not feel so strongly about it.

You learn a lot about budgeting and saving when you earn your own money and the earlier you learn this, the better for your bank account.


Having a part-time job prepares you for real life as an adult after studying. Not only do you learn a lot about managing money, but you pick up other valuable life skills that will help you during and after your time at school, college or university.

Time management, organisation, communication and adaptability are just a few skills you pick up through part-time work, and will be hugely valuable when it comes to applying for full-time permanent roles.

Having a job you don’t necessarily love is a right of passage: it gives you a better understanding of what you do want to do, and gives you the push to go after your dreams. It’s a great way of increasing your work-ethic and motivating you to work hard.


There’s no doubt that part-time work looks great on your CV. For future employers, there’s nothing worse than massive gaps on your CV where you’ve spent the summer partying.

No one is saying you have to work solidly all summer, it’s about balance, which is why part-time work is great: it gives you a chance to build your CV, gain experience in the working world, while also having the spare time to relax and fully enjoy your summer holiday.

Getting part-time work now is an investment in your future. So, go forth and let’s get this bread this summer.

To find your summer job, head to one of the websites below:




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