REVIEW: Every Day – David Levithan

Published in August this year, Every Day spent the majority of summer hovering around my Goodreads’ recommendations. Initially, I avoided it. There was a number of books on my reading list already and, to be honest, the synopsis of the young adult tale didn’t come across as anything that couldn’t wait. But, when the book… Continue reading REVIEW: Every Day – David Levithan

REVIEW: Paper Aeroplanes – Dawn O’Porter

Paper Aeroplanes is the debut fiction novel by the wonderfully hilarious journalist Dawn O’ Porter. Formally known as Dawn Porter, she is famous for her eyebrow-raising, brutally honest documentaries where she has explored a number of typically taboo subjects including polygamy, breast cancer and even Dirty Dancing. Besides being married to comedy hunk Chris O’Dowd… Continue reading REVIEW: Paper Aeroplanes – Dawn O’Porter