YOUR VIEW: Why we need a reading revival

We live in an age of instant gratification. And I’ll be the first to admit, as an Instagram addict, regular tweeter, and serial Netflix-binger, that I am a victim of this. Yet it saddens me all the same, because not only has this new lifestyle negatively affected our self-esteem and attention spans (and that’s only… Continue reading YOUR VIEW: Why we need a reading revival

20th Anniversary of Harry Potter – 5 ways Potter remains a worldwide obsession 20 years later

Many 90s children will have memories of sleepily waiting for the supermarket shutters opening to pounce on a copy of the latest Harry Potter book. Seven books and eight films later, 26 June marks the 20th anniversary of the world’s introduction to JK Rowling’s boy wizard. After having sold over 400 millions copies worldwide, and… Continue reading 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter – 5 ways Potter remains a worldwide obsession 20 years later

REVIEW: The Girl on the Train

© Dreamworks Pictures

Dir: Tate Taylor Cert: 15 Release: 5 Oct 2016 It’s one of the most anticipated movies of the year – so how does The Girl on the Train measure up? Based on the smash hit novel by Paula Hawkins, The Girl on the Train is the story of 30-something Rachel (Emily Blunt), an alcoholic divorcée… Continue reading REVIEW: The Girl on the Train

Scottish Teenage Book Prize nominees share their top reads

Today, the shortlist for the Scottish Teenage Book Trust was announced, with Keith Gray’s The Last Soldier, Joan Lennon’s Silver Skin and Claire McFall’s Black Cairn Point all making the cut. Want to get involved? Grab the books and get reading! You can then register to vote online, and have your say in who you think deserves the… Continue reading Scottish Teenage Book Prize nominees share their top reads

TOP 5: must-read books for summer 2014

It’s official – summer is a time to kick back, relax and get stuck into a good old-fashioned book. Whether you’ve already polished off the last of your exams (lucky you!) or you’re after a bit of motivation to keep plugging away until that glorious final paper, some of you might be looking forward to… Continue reading TOP 5: must-read books for summer 2014

Dawn O’Porter: “You’ve got as many hours in the day as Beyoncé”

The spring issue of Source is hitting schools, colleges and universities this week – squeal! Alongside all the best careers advice and biggest interviews, we’ve got queen of the unusual documentary-turned-author Dawn O’Porter as this issue’s celebrity graduate. As well as sharing details of the academic experience that kick-started her career, Dawn told us a… Continue reading Dawn O’Porter: “You’ve got as many hours in the day as Beyoncé”

YOUR VIEW: Story Thieves – Why the book is always better

Everyone has a pet peeve. For Jamie Oliver, it’s peeling garlic; for my mum it’s referring to someone by their pronoun instead of their given name; and for me, it’s film directors turning my favourite books into films. Why can’t they come up with their own ideas instead of pinching the hard work of authors?… Continue reading YOUR VIEW: Story Thieves – Why the book is always better

REVIEW: Every Day – David Levithan

Published in August this year, Every Day spent the majority of summer hovering around my Goodreads’ recommendations. Initially, I avoided it. There was a number of books on my reading list already and, to be honest, the synopsis of the young adult tale didn’t come across as anything that couldn’t wait. But, when the book… Continue reading REVIEW: Every Day – David Levithan

Review: Billy and Me – Giovanna Fletcher

Being embarrassingly a little bit too in love with McFly for a 22-year-old, I have been envious of Tom Fletcher’s wife Giovanna for many years. Especially after that wedding speech *sigh* (if you haven’t seen Tom’s wedding speech, do yourself a favour and head over to YouTube immediately!). However, I didn’t really know that much… Continue reading Review: Billy and Me – Giovanna Fletcher