The best bits from Comic-Con 2017

Stranger Things

San Diego’s Comic-Con is THE event of the year for comic book fans, sci-fi nerds and fantasy freaks. It’s where the entertainment industry come to show off their upcoming releases – and give us a flavour of what the entertainment industry has in store for the months ahead. And this year’s event didn’t disappoint. As… Continue reading The best bits from Comic-Con 2017

REVIEW: Dunkirk

Dir: Christopher Nolan Cert: 12A Release date: 21 July 2017 Dunkirk is by far one of Nolan’s best films since the Dark Knight Trilogy. The cinematography is beyond astounding but I think we already knew from Nolan’s other films that this would be a prominent feature. Dunkirk’s script itself is very minimal which allows for… Continue reading REVIEW: Dunkirk

REVIEW: Spider-Man: Homecoming

© Columbia Pictures/Marvel

Dir: Joe Watts Cert: 12A Release date: 7 July ’17 This year is pretty much wall-to-wall superhero movies – but there’s more than enough room in the comic book cacophony for Marvel’s latest release, Spider-Man: Homecoming. We had a pretty good idea that Brit Tom Holland was going to be a great Spidey after his… Continue reading REVIEW: Spider-Man: Homecoming