Scottish Teenage Book Prize nominees share their top reads

Today, the shortlist for the Scottish Teenage Book Trust was announced, with Keith Gray’s The Last Soldier, Joan Lennon’s Silver Skin and Claire McFall’s Black Cairn Point all making the cut. Want to get involved? Grab the books and get reading! You can then register to vote online, and have your say in who you think deserves the… Continue reading Scottish Teenage Book Prize nominees share their top reads

Books from school that you HAVE to re-read

Today’s World Book Day, a celebration of the written word. If you’re in the middle of your education, chances are you’ll feel more inclined to go on a book-burning mission than praising literary works, but resist temptation! Ditch your laptop, your iPad and your Blackberry for the day and spend a little quality time with… Continue reading Books from school that you HAVE to re-read