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Tag: school
How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered
We sat down with Heather McKendrick, careers and outreach manager at the Law Society of Scotland, to find out how you go about pursuing a career in law… How do you go about becoming a solicitor? The first stage is the law degree, also known as the LLB. For students with a degree in a different… Continue reading How do I become a solicitor? All your questions answered
“I didn’t have a plan B!” Woody from Bastille opens up about exams results and making it in music While most of you are waking up bleary-eyed from your results party this morning, I was busy chatting with Woody from the indie pop sensation, Bastille. Woody, real name Chris Wood, groans jokingly when I ask him what his grades were like at school. “I kind of realised half way through A levels that I… Continue reading “I didn’t have a plan B!” Woody from Bastille opens up about exams results and making it in music
Exam Study Tips from Successful Scots
The SQA exams are just weeks away – the pressure is officially on. Chances are, the next few weeks of your life are going to be engulfed with studying. Hours spent in textbooks, doing practice papers and racking your brains to remember that lengthy Shakespeare quote – and hoping that some of it sticks. It’s… Continue reading Exam Study Tips from Successful Scots
Top Study Tips [and adorable study GIFS]
Here we are, in the depths of exam leave. Surrounded by notes and textbooks, highlighters all dried up and nails chewed down to just nubs. Nubs I tell you! We live in the 21st century, why is there no technology to download study notes directly into our brains? Why am I seeing diagrams of aortic atriums in… Continue reading Top Study Tips [and adorable study GIFS]
New term resolutions
And just like that, the holidays are over. You’ve had weeks and weeks of freedom, long lies, Netflix marathons, days out with mates and maybe even a sunshine holiday if you’re lucky, and now, reality has hit. The new term is here. Whether you’re gutted like a fish or absolutely cock-a-hoop at the prospect of… Continue reading New term resolutions
10 things I’ve learned since finishing school
The year 2005. Tony Blair was elected for a third term as prime minister. Pope Benedict XVI took over from John Paul. DisneyLand celebrated its 50th birthday. And Cruz Beckham was born. It was also the year that I finished school and fluttered off into the big bad world of being an adult. (Or so I… Continue reading 10 things I’ve learned since finishing school
Common student health problems (and how to beat them)
Let’s be honest – there’s nothing worse than being sick, and at this time of year, illness is rife. While sometimes we’d all we’re all welcome a sick day with open arms – usually when there’s a double maths lesson involved – but overall? It sucks. One of the worst things about being a student… Continue reading Common student health problems (and how to beat them)
5 ways to… end school in style
As you’re preparing to hang up your school ties and embrace the summer holidays, these last few weeks are like gold dust after the stress of exams. The pressure’s off and you’re currently ruling the canteen queues at the top of the pecking order. Here are some ideas to end your year the right way and recreate that… Continue reading 5 ways to… end school in style