5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

We’ve all suffered from procrastination at one point or another. Sometimes it’s the sudden need to walk your dog. Other times, you just sit scrolling through your Facebook news feed, even though there have been no new developments in the past fifteen minutes. Current student Eilidh Stewart, the voice of experience, offers five ways to… Continue reading 5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

How To… Ace Your Prelims

It’s the first week back at school and just five minutes after you’re reunited with the friends you didn’t see over the festive period – prelims hit. Some think that because prelims are marked internally, and their grades don’t end up on the all important SQA certificate, that they just don’t matter. But they do.… Continue reading How To… Ace Your Prelims

Things You Learn At School You Really Do Need To Know

“Am I ever going to need this in my life?” It’s a question we asked ourselves throughout school whilst we pondered over the Periodic Table in Science or drew pictures of apples in Art and Design, but are there any key lessons we learned in school that have stuck with us? We reckon so. Cooking Pasta in Home… Continue reading Things You Learn At School You Really Do Need To Know

Revision: playing to your strengths

Got another evening ahead of you staring at biology notes or flicking through history textbooks in preparation for your exams? Revision is pretty boring and often tough work – but does it have to be? Cait Thomson finds out. It’s that time of year again. Whether you’re getting stuck into mocks just now or you’re… Continue reading Revision: playing to your strengths

Use Motivation to Beat Procrastination

So it’s nearly that time again. Exams are looming around the corner and they’ll be here before you know it. The feeling of dread is starting; that negative voice in your head is telling you that you’re never going to pass. (Especially that really dull subject that you regret picking – seriously, what were you… Continue reading Use Motivation to Beat Procrastination

How To… Revise

It’s a word we all fear: revision. Unfortunately it’s a huge part of student life, whether you’re studying for your Standard Grades or exams at university. Fortunately, here at Source, we understand the difficulty thousands of students across Scotland face, so we’ve come up with a few handy hints and tips to help the revision… Continue reading How To… Revise

What next?

If you feel like you’re the only one in your group of friends who doesn’t have a clue what they want to do in the future, don’t panic! We take a look at all the things you need to think about to help you decide what to do with your life. There are so many… Continue reading What next?