Keeping calm and carrying on this Results Day

The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here: Results Day. No matter how today goes, it’s important to remember that whatever is inside that envelope does not define you.

We’re bringing you our best tips to manage the highs and lows of getting your SQA results.

No matter if this is your first results day after your National 4s and 5s, or it’s your last results day before moving on to your next adventure, the nerves of Results Day don’t go away.

Even if you received an unconditional offer to college or university, it’s perfectly natural to lose sleep the night before, and feel that familiar feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach as you wait for that all-important text to come in.


If you received your text this morning, you can breathe a sigh of relief. If you’re still waiting for the postman to arrive with your envelope, it can be really stressful to hear everyone else’s news while you’re still waiting to find out.

The postman usually arrives at the same time every day, so you should have a rough idea of when your results will be coming.

The best thing to do is stay calm and distract yourself until that all important envelope falls through the door.

Go for a walk and listen to some of your favourite music, watch a feel-good film or TV programme, or chat with family until the postie arrives.

Trust us – sitting around worrying isn’t going to make your results arrive any sooner.


If you’ve received the good news already this morning – congratulations! Now it’s time to celebrate.

For those of you heading off to university or college, and your place depended on your results, you should have heard from them this morning to confirm your place and get the ball rolling on your admission. Exciting!

If you’ve received your National 4/5, Higher or Advanced Higher results today and you’re pleased with them, you should be really proud of yourself.

Each set of exams is the next step on the road to what you want to do in the future, so if you’re happy with your results, make sure you take the time to celebrate your achievements with your friends and family.


If you’ve received your results this morning and aren’t happy with the outcome, or were expecting different grades, it’s perfectly normal to feel disappointed, but it’s also important to remember that your self-worth is not defined by your exam results.

Take the time to understand how you feel – after receiving bad news it’s okay to be a bit deflated and confused. It’s just human nature.

But, what’s important, is that you pick yourself up and are able to learn from the whole experience. I

f you’re about to embark on your Highers or Advanced Highers, what do you want to do differently this year? Which steps can you take to ensure you don’t experience the same thing next year?

If your results have meant your plans for university or college have changed, don’t panic. You can apply for university places through UCAS clearing until September.

Or, maybe you decide that further education isn’t for you. There are plenty of opportunities – from work experience and apprenticeships to saving up to go on a gap year, the possibilities are endless.

It’s normal to get caught up in the whirlwind of Results Day, and all the emotions that come with it.

As long as you remember that your exam results don’t define you as a person, and know that there are countless opportunities out there that will allow you to thrive.

Are you following Source on Twitter and Instagram? Make sure you are for all our Results Day advice. 

By Source Mag

Source is Scotland's number one student magazine, delivering the best careers advice, celebrity interviews and student survival tips every quarter.

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