There are many different ways to put your degree to good use after you graduate, getting into a graduate scheme or specialist graduate roles will see you utilise all your learning whilst gaining valuable experience: It’s a win, win.
Tag: job
Following your own path this National Apprenticeship Week
Today marks the start of National Apprenticeship Week (3–9 February). If you’re not sure about what you want to do when you leave school, now is a great time to research a different option, that enables you to earn while you learn.
Managing your mental health at work
We’ve all had days where we just couldn’t face the thought of getting out of bed and heading to school, uni or your part-time job. It happens to the best of us.
Calling all budding journalists: The BBC is looking for young reporters
If you’re looking to launch your career in journalism, look no further because the BBC is looking for young reporters to join their team.
How to leave your summer job
As the summer holidays come to an end (cry), you might be starting to think about your summer job and, more specifically, how to leave.
University: Preparing for higher education
Leaving home to start university or college can be stressful. You have to do your own washing (what?!), make new friends and try not to get lost on your way to class. We’ve rounded up our top tips to prepare you for higher education.
Summer holidays: getting a part-time job
Love it or hate the thought of it: part time jobs are heaven sent. Get your own dolla and life experience this summer.
Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2017: Lisa’s Story
It’s Scottish Apprenticeship Week and we are proud as punch to announce that our favourite staff member Lisa passed her business administration apprenticeship with flying colours and she’s heading off to pick up her Level 3 diploma TODAY! So in honour of all the fab work she has done over the last 12 months, and to celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week, we… Continue reading Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2017: Lisa’s Story