Today (10 Ocotober) marks World Mental Health Day. It’s important to know how to recognise and understand mental health conditions.
Mental Health Awareness Week: Opening Up The devastating news announced on Friday (11 May) of the death of Frightened Rabbit lead singer, Scott Hutchinson seems immensely more poignant as we enter Mental Health Awareness Week.
Students get mentally healthy
The buzz about caring for our mental health is only getting bigger since World Mental Health Day (10 October). Now Glasgow Clyde College and SAMH have launched a Mentally Healthy College Community. The initiative was announced earlier this year, and in just four months, over 200 college staff have been trained to support the mental… Continue reading Students get mentally healthy
Mental Health Matters
Earlier this year, mental health hit the headlines when Netflix released the controversial series 13 Reasons Why. While the show gained praise for raising awareness on teen mental health, there was also criticism and accusations of glorifying suicide. One thing it did highlight, however, was that in a world that never switches off, young adults… Continue reading Mental Health Matters
Social Media and Mental Health
New survey results have rated Instagram as the worst social media platform when it comes to affecting young people’s mental health – according to The Royal Society for Public Health. A poll of 1,479 people aged 14-24 were asked to rate which of the five most popular social media platforms they felt had the most… Continue reading Social Media and Mental Health