Looking for some part time work over the spring term? Sick of your waiting or call centre job and fancy something a bit more exciting?
Tag: students
Let’s Talk About Depression
Today is World Health Day, an annual event highlighting various illnesses and disabilities to raise awareness and spread knowledge. This year the World Health Organisation (WHO) is running a year-long campaign on depression. Depression is one of the leading illnesses worldwide and suicide is the second largest cause of death amongst those aged 15 to… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Depression
#MondayMeal Vegan McDonald’s Sausage and Egg McMuffin
This week’s #MondayMeal comes from the lovely Adele from Vegan Burd. Not only does she create vegan-friendly versions of old-school sweets (think Rollos, Munchies and Crunchies) she also managed to squeeze in some time to share her incredible vegan McMuffin recipe with us. Check it out below! Ingredients 1 veggie sausage (I used a Linda… Continue reading #MondayMeal Vegan McDonald’s Sausage and Egg McMuffin
Does your mum want you to party?
https://www.instagram.com/p/x4imKIypFW/?taken-by=guunion You’ve got the grades, accepted your uni and you’re ready to make your mum proud. But would you believe us if we told you that your ‘rents top priority for you at uni uni isn’t As for days? That’s right, according to new research parents are dreaming of you getting down in dirty in… Continue reading Does your mum want you to party?
Freshers: Should you get the meningitis vaccine?
Freshers’ Week. The count down is officially on. You’ve bought a new duvet set. Packed your pants. Smuggled your soft toys into the suitcase. You are officially ready to leave home and embark on student life. See ya mum! But have you thought about getting vaccinated against meningitis? I know, it’s not really top of… Continue reading Freshers: Should you get the meningitis vaccine?
The Evolution of Flatmates
You’ve read countless internet forums on what to take to university and you’re ready to become the social butterfly that you were always meant to be. Read on to prepare for the next stage and help your flat-sharing resemble more Happy Families than Jeremy Kyle… September: Fresher Fever Fresher’s week is a beautiful time. A… Continue reading The Evolution of Flatmates